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Our Birds

Coming Soon


Silver Appleyard Ducks

This is a rare heritage breed that is on its way to recovery thanks to dedicated breeders around the world. 
The hens are excellent layers of large white eggs, and they make excellent table birds as well. They are a large breed that is calm, gentle and friendly. They forage well, are cold hardy and heat tolerant, and disease resistant. Some hens may go broody and hatch chicks as well. 
Not only are they a good utility bird for the homestead, they make excellent pets as well. The hens are a variation on the wild mallard pattern, with silver undertones and brown overlay on the feathers, and the drakes are stunning with silver accents on their green heads. 
We have utility and exhibition lines in our flock to ensure genetic diversity. Some birds may hatch closer to the SOP than others, but all of them will have excellent temperaments and be useful birds. 
We spent a considerable part of the season hatching and growing out our appleyards in preparation for next season. We currently have 5 different bloodlines in the flock and are very pleased with our grow outs!

Call Ducks

Call ducks are bantam sized ducks that were originally bred to be used by hunters to “call” wild ducks in. They are small, loud, and an utter joy to have around. 
They come in a variety of colors. We have snowy (harlequin), grey (mallard) and bibbed/pied colors on the farm. 
These small ducks are very cold hardy, disease resistant and easy keepers as their small size means space and feed requirements are much less than for their standard sized counterparts. They are at higher risk of predation because of their size, however. 



*We will not be offering Hedemora eggs or chicks except in very small numbers and only upon request.* Initially no chickens were going to be kept on the farm. On a whim, we hatched a variety pack of chicken eggs, and wound up falling in love with the hedemora pullet that we hatched. Thus started our journey of keeping this rare landrace bird that checks all the boxes of what we were looking for in a chicken. 
This breed is extremely hardy, disease resistant, and, in our opinion, one of the best breeds out there. They are decent layers of medium eggs, but will lay year round with no major breaks. Some will go broody and raise chicks. The roosters all get along beautifully and it’s extremely easy to add birds to the flock as their temperament is so laidback. We have never experienced any human aggression with these birds. 
They are excellent foragers, out in most any weather and preferring to catch their own dinner than dine on pellets. 
They come in a variety of colors including lavender, black copper, and possibly white. Some may have feathered legs, some may not. Some may be wooly feathered and some will be smooth. The genetic diversity is one of their selling points for us. 
We will be keeping a mixed flock, primarily bantams, and can offer mixed “barnyard” eggs if interested. All breeds will be running together except possibly the sultans, and the breeds will include Hedemora, silkies, Cochins, and sultans. 

Sebastopol Geese

Our Sebastopols are all young, so we may or may not have goslings and/or eggs available this season. Updates will be made once we see where our fertility rates are at. 



Royal Palms poults will hopefully be available for 2023. 

We take great pride in our birds and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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